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A new partnership


This is the information portal for the partnership between New Los Angeles Charter Schools and City Language Immersion School (CLIC). These charter schools will officially come together on July 1, 2023, in time for the 2023-2024 school year, thereby combining the best of both organizations to better serve the community. This partnership offers solutions to the challenges faced by both organizations, resulting in a charter school network that has more capacity to support K-8th grade students in the Mid-City and West Adams neighborhoods. 


UPDATE May 2, 2023

We are pleased to inform you that on May 2, 2023, New Los Angeles Charter Elementary School officially entered into a lease agreement with The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’i to rent the school facilities located at 5753 Obama Blvd, effective July 1, 2023. This means that New LA Elementary School will move from its current locations at Baldwin Hills Elementary School (TK-4th) and the New LA Middle School campus (5th grade) over the summer and begin programming at the Baha’i Center location in August, 2023. If you recall, these are the same facilities that are currently occupied by City Charter School, which will be closing at the end of the school year. Plans have begun for beautification and making the necessary adjustments to accommodate elementary school programming.


UPDATE March 28, 2023

We are pleased to report that at the March 27th LAUSD Board of Education meeting, LAUSD Board of Governors voted unanimously to approve New LA Charter Schools’ requested changes to its charter.


This means that CLIC will be joining the New Los Angeles Charter Schools Charter Management Organization (CMO), effective July 1, 2023. Additionally, 5th graders graduating from CLIC will be given an ongoing admissions preference to New Los Angeles Charter School in 6th grade, starting Fall 2023 and for all future CLIC graduates. A few current 6th and 7th graders from City Charter School may also be able to join New LA middle school this fall, depending on space available in those grades.


What are the challenges?
  • The City School faces serious enrollment, fiscal, and operational challenges and will close at the end of the 22-23 school year.

  • The closure of The City School will interrupt the K-8 pathway for City Language Immersion Charter, and will leave many students in our community without a middle school option for next year. 

  • New LA Elementary School is co-located on a contentious LAUSD campus and has been unable to secure a private facility. This facility problem has impacted the school’s enrollment and ability to serve as a strong feeder school for New LA Charter School (Middle School). 


What are the proposed solutions?

With a track record of sound decision making, responsible fiscal management, and strong operational capacity, New LA is well positioned to becomes the parent organization for New LA Elementary School, New LA Charter School (Middle School) and CLIC, and:​

  • CLIC remains CLIC, intact with the same curriculum and location. The main proposed change is that CLIC joins the New LA Charter Schools network.* This would give CLIC families access to a clear and stable K-8th grade pathway, culminating at an excellent middle school with a mission and values similar to those of City Charter Schools. CLIC will also benefit from the support of New LA’s high functioning, fiscally sound charter schools management organization which has demonstrated long-term sustainability

  • New Los Angeles Elementary School moves off of the LAUSD Baldwin Hills Elementary campus and into the Baha'i Center, which is currently occupied by The City School**.

  • New Los Angeles Charter School (Middle School) remains as is, the 5th grade moves onto the Baha’i campus with the rest of New LA Elementary, and CLIC students are offered spaces at New LA Middle as they graduate from 5th grade.

  • Students from The City School may receive a one-time admissions preference to enroll at New Los Angeles Charter School (Middle School).* Admission will be based on the number of open seats for 23-24, which is unclear at this time. We encourage families to research all options, and will provide support for this. 


This potential partnership offers tremendous advantages to CLIC, New LA Elementary, and New LA Charter School (Middle School), and to all of our students, by harnessing the combined strengths of these three schools under one charter schools network.


We will keep this website updated with information as it develops. We encourage you to check it frequently, to refer to the FAQs (sectioned by school), and to send any questions or concerns to Dr. Brooke Rios, Executive Director, New Los Angeles Charter Schools at or Robert Vidaña, Executive Director, City Charter Schools at


Thank you for your support as we navigate this challenging process. 


With gratitude and optimism for a continued bright future for all of our students,

Board of Directors at New LA Charter Schools

Board of Directors at The City Charter Schools


*pending LAUSD board approval, a decision that will likely be made in early Spring 2023

**pending active lease negotiations and LAUSD Charter Schools Division Approval

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